
about Us

About CSP

Get Your Own CSP

We cater to a large number of people, living on the fringes of the socioeconomic structure, especially those belonging to the Low Income Group (LIG), Economically Weaker Sections (EWS), Labourers, Agricultural/Factory workers and Women Do not have savings account and moreover they are not able to open such accounts due to lack of valid address and ID proof.

To become a CSP agent for any bank, you have to apply online. Click here to open the online form Now you have to select the bank you want to apply for. After submitting your form fill correct details in online form which will be sent to Operations department for cross check and primary verification. Once the verification is completed, you will be notified by email/SMS and similarly your application will be processed for code generation and registration to BC (Business Correspondent).


Smart & Easy


Fast & Safe


Create Own CSP

Why choose us

Innovating Solutions
Digital Mindset

CSP stands for "Customer Service Point" also known as Bank Mitra. Bank Mitra is a concept devised under PPP (Public Private Partnership) where a Bank Mitra or CSP acts as a representative or agent of the bank and is appointed to provide banking service to the citizens. Banking services like account opening, cash deposit acceptance and cash withdrawal etc.
This is an opportunity to work with banks as a Bank Mitra for providing banking services to you for a commission on it. As a Bank Mitra, you earn some commission for account opening, cash deposit, cash withdrawal, credit card payments, bill payments, a basic fix salary of Rs. CSP agents are being paid Rs 2000 to Rs 5000 per month on certain conditions.